"It's not only about the fashion, it's about the healing from the stones."

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Graveyard Bracelet with onyx, cube grey hematite, blackstone

Dark Skull! GRV5 with onyx, cube hematite, blackstone, and grey hematite

Onyx = bersifat menenangkan, dan membantu pemakainya untuk membersihkan dirinya dari emosi negatif, pikiran, dan situasi. Mengurangi stres, untuk meditasi dan membantu pemimpin membuat keputusan. Dapat berguna juga untuk tolak bala, lebih terfokus, lebih membumi, percaya diri, dan seimbang.

Hematite = Keseimbangan tubuh, pikiran & jiwa. Melancarkan peredaran darah & asupan oksigen, mengatasi anemia. Meningkatkan kesehatan ginjal. Mengatasi insomnia, keram, kesemutan, rematik, pola makan berlebih (obesitas), kebiasaan merokok. Meningkatkan konsentrasi, percaya diri, semangat, motivasi, sikap mandiri dan membuat perencanaanHowlite = Membantu penyembuhan insomnia, Saldo Tingkat Kalsium, Menguatkan Gigi, Memperkuat Tulang, Membantu Meringankan Nyeri Fisik, Membantu Dalam Distribusi Tepat Nutrisi, Menghilangkan Stres, Mempertajam memori, Konsentrasi, dan ketenangan

Blackstone = mengatasi permasalahan ejakulasi dini. mampu mengobati penyakit perut misalnya penyakit maag kronis, menjaga keseimbangan tubuh, meningkatkan stamina, serta menjaga daya tahan tubuh.

Wrist Measurement
S (16CM / 6.3) 
M (17CM / 6.7") 
L (18CM / 7.1") 
XL (19CM / 7.5") 
XXL (20CM / 7.9")
100% Batu asli dengan manfaat tersendiri.
untuk custom dan reseller ada harga spesial!!

Instagram : @quantitywithquality
Line / whatsapp : 0878-7700-8398


IDR 135,000
IDR 170,000

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Details and Care

Our products are made up of the finest quality of Beads Stones, each of them have been checked to ensure that we deliver the best to our customers with gift box packages.

For gold and silver-plated metals, please expect some natural tarnishing over time with wear. To reduce the effect of wear, gently wipe jewelry with soft polishing cloth and store in a safe place ( box, dust bag, zip lock) as plated pieces can tarnish or discolor if left in the open air for too long. Protect jewelry from abrasive surfaces and harsh chemicals (lotion, parfume, etc.) and please be mindful of wearing make-up near jewelry.

For the best care of the bracelets, avoid having contact with water such as swimming and bringing it to shower.

The colors shown maybe different with the original products because of the settings of your display screen. We can not guarantee it can be accurate.

Our bracelets are handmade with quality and care in Jakarta, Indonesia. Here is our LifeTime Warranty.